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By Ravioli - Thu Mar 22, 8:06 am


Comments -49 - 0 of 8First« PrevNext »Last
  1. +2

    PLEASE PLEASE make a bully 2!!!! I loved it!!

  2. +2

    Rockstar is usually pretty reliable on making sequels. The only reason it takes so long to make new releases  is because they work on multiple games at a time.

  3. +1

    Screw this mountain of salt, they better make Bully 2 or I am finished with Rockstar… or maybe sometimes I’ll play their old GTA’s but there’s no way I’ll buy new stuff… unless it’s super awesome

  4. 0

    main gta sekolah

  5. 0

    GTA V will be multiplayer ???
    I found a gameplay video and it seems to be multiplaying… : http://gtavbeta.wordpress.com/

  6. +7

    I came for Bully 2 XD

    1. 0

      Me too. 😀

  7. +1

    Brucie is back!!!

  8. +4

    how do you know?

    1. +1

      bitch made fag

Comments -49 - 0 of 8First« PrevNext »Last

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