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By Lo-Ping - Sat Oct 01, 9:30 am


Comments -49 - 0 of 6First« PrevNext »Last
  1. 0

    Hahah, tahts prretty much the overall opinion, everyone expected something massive and godlike and got a pretty dissapointing result.

  2. 0

    Works great on the pc. Unless you are a filthy console peasent, not much worth crying about,.
    It's an old build and Caspain Border was awsome/

  3. 0

    is this review for the beta, or some exclusive access to bf3 campaign?

  4. 0

    losers. afraid of criticism? only shit sites have to approve comments.

  5. 0

    waste of bandwidth

  6. 0

    So true.

Comments -49 - 0 of 6First« PrevNext »Last

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