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By Karl D - Sat Mar 05, 9:58 am
This is what I love about games like LBP and Minecraft. They're not so much "LOOK AT WHAT WE CAN DO! WE CAN RECREATE THE BATTLE OF NORMANDY OR A FANCY SPACESHIP!" It's more "We've given you the tools, show us what you can do." And it's wonderful.
or just lazy?
Those lazy developers, all they did was spend years programming the tools for us to use
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This is what I love about games like LBP and Minecraft. They're not so much "LOOK AT WHAT WE CAN DO! WE CAN RECREATE THE BATTLE OF NORMANDY OR A FANCY SPACESHIP!" It's more "We've given you the tools, show us what you can do." And it's wonderful.
or just lazy?
Those lazy developers, all they did was spend years programming the tools for us to use