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Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition to come to PC in August


Since the beginning of the year, PC gamers have rumbled for a chance to get repeatedly brutally murdered at the hands of Dark Souls.  This rumbling eventually became more organized in the form of an actual petition where over ninety thousand gamers pleaded their case [2] to have the opportunity to constantly lose at a game.  The devs seemed to take note.  On the Namco-Bandai forums, social reps for the boards relayed the players wishes to higher-ups.  In turn, players were simply told, “They’re listening”.

Then came The Wall [3].  Speculation had reached a fevered pitch while, as time passed, pieces of the wall began crumbling down.  Rumors flew about like so many controllers from the hands of frustrated players, but it all came down to one simple  question: “What’s behind the wall?”  Well now we have it.


Could work...

Could work...


According to this thread [4] on NeoGAF, the German gaming magazine PC Action had a preview in which it revealed that Dark Souls has been confirmed for PC.  Features are 1:1 for the most part in comparison to their console brethren, with no new contend aside from the introduction of new (mini?)bosses.

Reported to be released in August, PC gamers will finally get the chance to develop a case of chronic hypertension [5] like the rest of us.  Welcome to the covenant, brothers.  Bonfire’s to your left, and please remember to praise the sun at all times.

[Don’t forget to hit translate for this SOURCE [6]]