Portal 2’s “Peer Review” DLC Now Available
By Karl D - Tue Oct 04, 10:52 am
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Their games might take forever and ever to come out, but Valve always stays true to their word. At the end of April we were told that we would be receiving free DLC for Portal 2 in the Summer, which as we all know…didn’t happen. There was no need to panic though, as we were assured the DLC was still on its way and it was still going to be free, today is that day.
Portal 2: Peer Review contains brand new co-op missions for the lovable test robots P-Body and Atlas with whom we destroyed countless times in the original co-op campaign. For fans of the single player campaign we will also be receiving a challenge mode complete with leaderboards to compare scores with your friends.
The final icing on the cake? (no overused joke intended) Portal 2 is 50% off on Steam to celebrate the occasion, so if you’ve never played this Game Of The Year contender or you’re trying to convince your friend to pick it up, now is the perfect chance.
Portal 2 Peer Review is now available for PC and Steam, the PS3 will receive the DLC on October 5th.
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