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Humble Indie Bundle 3 Now Available!


Feel like playing games? Of course you do. Feel like supporting a charity? Who the hell doesn’t?! Well now we as a gaming community have another chance to raise money and have fun at the same time with the third installment of the Humble Indie Bundle.

Here’s how it goes: Indie developers have come together to make a collection of their own games and sell them on to you. “What’s the price of these games?” I hear you ask, well the answer is simply “Whatever you want it to be!”. The Humble Indie Bundle is all about raising funds for Child’s Play, the charity that helps bring games and enjoyment to the sick children of the world. You can donate $5, $10 or even $2000 dollars (just like Minecraft creator Notch). Please just don’t be that guy who pays 1 cent for 5 awesome games. That’s not cool, man.

Details on how to donate and download can be found on the Humble Bundle official website http://www.humblebundle.com/ [2]. Let’s help to improve a poor child’s life today.