Half Life 3 and Dragon Age 3 to be announced at Gamescom 2012?

By Sebastian D - Tue Aug 14, 10:36 am

There are several hints now that Valve is about to announce Half Life 3, their sequel to the immensely popular Half Life 1 & 2.

Last week Game Informer said that the release of the front page from this months edition would be delayed because it was a secret that would be announced at Gamescom. TS3 has now spotted that Half Life 3 and Dragon Age 3 are listed in the Gamescom list of what games are going to be shown by what publishers, I found no extra info about Dragon Age 3 sadly.

According to Gamescom officials Dragon Age 3 and Half Life 3 appearing on the list was ‘a mistake’, what kind of mistake I wonder, a mistake as it’s not true or was it supposed to be a secret?

Well, the Game Informer Magazine evidence still stands, we will see soon enough if Valve or EA have anything to say or ‘announce’ on the matter.





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  1. 0

    You have no idea how hype I am for jurassic world evolution. I played the shit out of the first jurassic Park game that came out on the original Xbox

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