Call Of Duty: Elite – What’s Free And What’s Not
By Karl D - Mon Sep 05, 5:39 pm
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Activision have today released the full details on the new Elite service coming to the Call of Duty games, players now have access to even more features than before and for a subscription fee of $49.99 you’ll be given the every piece of content Call of Duty has to offer, from monthly DLC packs to Clan levelling and even an Elite TV streaming service.
Players can sign up to the beta now for a free trial or they can pre-order the service and receive some nifty bonus items for Modern Warfare 3 when it releases this November.
For the full details check out the list below and let us know if you’ll be picking it up or maybe going with Battlefield 3 this year. Sound off in the comment section below
While you’re here, why not check out our Call of Duty Map Pack competition?
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Personnaly, I prefer battlefield over Call of Duty, but battlefield profits won't ever reach those of CoD.
If a young player that doesn't look around in the interwebs wants to play a recent FPS, he will play call of duty, because EVERYBODY plays call of duty, and even if the game is bad, everybody will buy and play it just because it's call of duty.
COD is for Killwhores and/or pre-teenage boys
BF3 is for objective loving team players
Here comes another fan war…
Lemme just tell you my opinion, and it's only ONE PERSON'S opinion…
I like Battlefield and Call of Duty, Battlefield has more work put into it, by DICE, and that's OBVIOUS!
Pretty much fact, but I prefer Call of Duty, coz itz not only made for noobz (im not one of em anymore), but we were all one of em, ONCE, in evry game we play, and CoD is FAR overpriced in EVRYTHING, and if you think CoD Elite is an exception, due to losing money on map packs, well, do you have ANY idea how overpriced the map packs are in the FIRST PLACE?!
So my point is, I prefer CoD more, though Battlefield 3, deserves the sales, though it's not getting my purchase, but I hope it becomes a VERY successful game.
I love how people always assume the COD players are "13 years old" I mean WTF you like BF, I like COD…not a fanboy, just my preference on what game i am buying and playing. The BF games campaigns are too short and as for multiplayer, it falls very short of GOTY in my opinion. But tht is just it…its MY opinion. I could careless who has GOTY…shit if Mass Effect 3 came out in 2011, it would be GOTY in my opinion….but it doesnt…stop trolling and talking about how this game will destroy tht game…shit even EA and DICE are talking to trash to Activision….GROW UP!!!
its the high pitched voices talking shit over the mic, and he said full of he didnt say u where. so chill man
u guys are all so dumb, the games are totally different i dont even know why people still compare them, if u wanna dual wield shotguns like rambo get call of duty, and if u want a team based shooter with realism get battlefield. im a battlefield fan and i also play call of duty so get over this our game is better than urs shit, and if people arent impressed with battlefield 3 on pc, there is something wrong with them. call of duty is also full of 13 y o fanboys who do nothing but rack up 200 hours gameplay in like 2 weeks
Nothing worth paying $50
dont be dumb. the game ships with 16 original mp maps. all playable in both multiplayer and spec ops. Elite gives you the DLC (extra maps). Price = the same as buying the map packs when they come out to the public.
lol, No MP maps if you don't Pre-Order. Bye Bye COD!!
LMFAO at that guy up there who replied to himself 3 times. Talk about desperate.
k i need to know i play on ps3 if i get elite will i get dlc and maps the same time as xbox
Nah, the free stuff's cool to have though.
BF3 confirmed goty.
well said
lol BF3 is going destroy MW3 in terms of game-play
LOL…. it must be nice to have dreams, isn't it??? even if its as far fetched as the one u mentioned above LOL … Battlefield 3 can never touch any games with the title "Call of Duty" on it…. Battlefield is for scrubs
LMAO battlefield is for scrubs? wow atleast try hiding the fact you are only 13 years old. You prob have never played a battlefield game. I actually love cod now.. it keeps tards like you away from good games. Have fun being at the same level of skill as everyone else because the game was designed like that. Ill go have fun on battlefield
Obvious troll is obvious.
BF3 is gonna be trash like its counterpart-predecessors.
battlefield 3 better then MW3 for sure i'm going with battlefield 3 instead MW3 and the creators all they want is money you don't see this kinda shit going down on MEDAL OF HONOR or BATTLEFIELD on BF you get to bring down building on the other team MW3 all you get to do is run and gun and camp like a chicken BF3 you bring down a building you could take out 10 other players of the other
You love CoD but are afraid of saying so because you are one of those guys that follow trends to feel accepted (BF3 troll trend). If you don't like CoD why did you read and even comment on a MW3 article? CoD is your guilty pleasure, it makes you search for info about it because it is a part of you now. Lol @ your weak mind.
stupid! sorry dude, but with the plethora of quality games coming out this year BF wont even be close to goty! The campaign mode is too short and not enough people are going to buy it to make it a multiplayer powerhouse! this game will descend into obscurity just like the other BFs and MOH!